Specialty2 |
Equity3 |
Cap Growth4 |
Cap Value4 |
Growth |
Value |
Profile Portfolios |
Income5 |
Market |
Interest Rate
Options |
1-Year Fixed-Rate Interest Option |
6-Month and 12-Month Dollar Cost Averaging
Too many choices?
Keep it simple by choosing one of our professionally managed Profile
Portfolios, which provides an appropriate asset allocation
in line with four distinct investor profiles. |
Asset allocation is the process of applying the objectives of different investments to your specific
goals. By spreading your holdings among a variety of industries, companies and investment types, you
may potentially reduce the risk to your portfolio from any single investment, and place your assets
where they can possibly benefit from a broad range of investment options. Independent research has
shown that asset allocation is the major factor determining portfolio performance.*
The investment options of FlexElite Annuity are designed to facilitate asset allocation for a broad
variety of investment goals. We recommend that you develop your asset allocation in consultation with
your financial professional. A financial professional will ask probing questions to find out what's
really important to you, to help identify your goals, understand your tolerance for risk, and help
you choose the appropriate investments.
FlexElite Annuity's Profile Portfolios are a simple and effective strategy for many investors.
Each portfolio is constructed and managed by a team of professionals, and rebalanced periodically
to maintain its asset allocation strategy.6 The Profile Portfolios' predetermined asset allocations
correspond to four distinct investment objectives.
Your financial professional can help you complete the Profile Portfolio Questionnaire to help identify
your financial goals and risk tolerance, and then select an appropriate portfolio.
At the end of the initial three-year withdrawal charge period, you will be offered a credit
equal to 1% of your contract value with the start of a new withdrawal charge period. If you
accept, the credit will be added to your contract and another 1% credit will be offered to you
on the sixth contract anniversary, starting another three-year withdrawal charge period.
If liquidity is more important to you than a 1% credit, you can decline the credit, enjoy access
to your money, and make subsequent contributions to the contract without starting a new withdrawal
charge period.
FlexElite Annuity helps you safeguard what you've invested for those who are counting
on you. The base death benefit guarantees that your beneficiary will never receive less
than the current contract value or the combined value of your purchase payments (adjusted
for withdrawals), whichever is greater.8
For even more protection, you can choose among several enhanced death benefit options
for your beneficiaries, at an additional charge. For more information on charges, refer
to the prospectus.
- 5% Roll-up protects against downturns in the market by paying your beneficiaries the
greater of your current contract value or the total of your purchase payments increased by
5% each year, subject to a 200% lifetime cap. Both roll-up and cap are reduced proportionally
by withdrawals. (Not available in all states.)
- Annual Step-up locks in investment gains in a rising market each contract anniversary.
Your beneficiaries will receive the greater of your current contract value or the highest
"step-up" value at any contract anniversary, adjusted for withdrawals and any additional
payments you made.
- Combined Roll-up and Step-up offers the most protection. Your beneficiary receives the
greater of the current contract value or the Roll-up and Step-up values.
- Earnings Appreciator Option: If chosen, may pay an additional death benefit based on the
contract's earnings, which beneficiaries can use to help offset taxes or other expenses.
(Not available in all states.)
Instead of receiving a death benefit, your spouse (if beneficiary) may choose to continue the
annuity contract in his or her own name with the contract value equal to the amount that
otherwise would have been paid as a death benefit. Your spouse can continue to enjoy the
benefit of tax deferral and all the features you selected. No withdrawal charges will
apply to the contract.
Your money will be easily accessible to you -without a withdrawal charge-in only three years. You
can also add to your FlexElite annuity without starting a new withdrawal charge period. You can
access your money in several ways without annuitizing your contract.
- Withdrawals. Each year you can withdraw up to 10% of your purchase payments charge-free. If
you withdraw more than 10% during the three-year withdrawal charge period, a 7% charge applies.
- Automated withdrawal program. You can set up an automated withdrawal charge program and receive a
stream of income, while the balance of your money continues to grow on a tax-deferred basis.
- Waiver of withdrawal charges for critical care. If you become terminally ill or are confined
to a nursing home or hospital for three months or more, you can access your money with no
withdrawal charges. This can help your family cope with an unanticipated financial burden.10
Not sure that this is the right time to invest? FlexElite Annuity helps you ease into the
market with a choice of 6- and 12-month dollar cost averaging fixed-rate options.11 Your
purchase payments will earn an attractive fixed rate, while each month a portion of your
money moves into the variable investment options you have chosen. This can help reduce
the impact of market volatility on your purchases.